Philadelphia YAP - AIM Program

Philadelphia YAP - AIM Program

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Contact Info

Philadelphia Youth Advocate Program (PYAP)
900 West Jefferson St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122

P: 215.599.2174

Selua Jonny, Program Director
Randall Sims, Regional Director

More Info

Adolescent Intervention Model (AIM)

AIM provides substance use prevention and early intervention services for youth ages 12 to 21 who are demonstrating risk factors that put them in jeopardy of developing a problem with alcohol and drug use.

For young people who experienced any of these:

  • Challenges at school (truancy, behavioral problems, failing grades, etc.)
  • Involvement with police or juvenile justice
  • Family conflict
  • Past or present loss, trauma, and/or chronic stress
  • Known or suspected earlier use of alcohol or other drugs, but do not need treatment

How AIM helps:

  • Assist young people in looking at themselves, examining choices made, and exploring options to new ways of thinking and acting to get what they want out of life
  • Assess needs and identify risk factors using BH-Works, and then connect them to services close to home
  • Provide youth and caregivers with tools and support to ensure success
  • Encourage health decisions by promoting awareness and understanding about the impact and consequences of adolescent alcohol/drug use

AIM Program Description

Program design is distinctly suited for adolescents and their parent/caregivers and consists of five to six hours of services weekly for approximately 4-6 months.

AIM utilized the following programs that have been proven effective in working with youth at risk of abusing alcohol and other drugs:

prevents and reduces adolescent substance use by reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors.

Getting Started
offers the opportunity for self-exploration of addictive behaviors and provides strategies for lasting behavior change.

is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-based skills-building approach that includes reducing negative thoughts, increasing healthy behaviors, and improving communications and problem-solving skills.

Strengthening Families
provides skills training to the whole family.

My Substance Use
provides a close look at the facts of drugs and a clear understanding of the effects of substances on the body.