Our Commitment

Our Commitment


Aligned with our strategic priorities, our commitment to operational excellence and model fidelity help to differentiate YAP, enabling us to provide uniquely delivered community-based services that have better outcomes, and are more cost effective than out-of-home placement. Whether serving participants and family members in our Youth Justice, Child Welfare, Behavioral Health, Institutional Disabilities, Violence Prevention or other programs, our staff receive training in the YAP Wraparound Services model that has guided our work since 1975. At the core of our model is hiring culturally responsive neighborhood-based Advocates and mobile behavioral health staff who are trained to meet program participants where they are. YAP is committed to providing excellent service to our program participants, their parents and guardians, and other family members.

Our Commitment
to You



Our Commitment to Integrity Compliance


YAP provides community based services with funding derived from State and Federal governmental entities. As a result of the source of our funding and as a commitment to those we serve, we adhere to a comprehensive Integrity Compliance Program. Our Compliance Program applies to, and is mandatory for, officers, directors, employees, consultants, vendors, and any person or entity representing Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. Within this section of the website, you will find compliance documents that provide guidance for strictly adhering to our Compliance Program.

Integrity Compliance Plan (ICP) is a document which states YAP, Inc.'s commitment to preventing fraud, abuse and waste while furthering our fundamental mission: serving youth and families in their communities. The plan outlines what is expected of employees to assist in maintaining the agency's high standards of excellence.

Report Compliance Concern or call 1.800.324.5794


Our Commitment to Continuous Quality Improvement


We take pride in our approach to working with youth and families. At the same time, we recognize the importance of ensuring model fidelity while also continuing to adapt and improve our model based on the changing needs of our youth, families and referring authorities and what we learn through working with them. YAP’s Performance and Quality Improvement Department (PQI) serves a number of functions designed to position us to learn from and improve our services in a timely, ongoing manner.

Outcomes Measurements

Every youth and family we work with is unique, but they all come to YAP with high risk and need in key life areas, such as residence and education among others. Decades of success stories tell us that our youth and families achieve good outcomes in these areas, yet we recognize that stories are not enough. Measuring outcomes provides us with the opportunity to verify what we know with actual data; it further helps us to identify programs that might need additional coaching and support in our model to improve their outcomes.

Monitoring Department

YAP contracts with independent monitors to help us ensure that we are living up to our quality standards. These monitors call families each month to ensure that our staff are accurately documenting their work. When families are not reached by phone, YAP sends self-addressed stamped letters that assess the same information. Monitors further assess family satisfaction with staff and their participant's progress.