Workforce - YAP News

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YAP's program in Washington DC is participating in Opportunity Connections Summer, a 6-week program that connects justice-involved youth to people in the workforce, as covered by this article...
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There is an unemployment crisis in Chicago, particularly affecting young people of color, according to a new report by the University of Illinois at Chicago.  Nearly half of black men 20-24 in the cit...
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YAP Model Presented at World Bank

Workforce, Policy and Advocacy | | View Counts (4402) |
Today, YAP leaders Shaena Fazal and Ed DeJesus are presenting YAP's model at a Washington, D.C. conference open to the public, organized by the World Bank.  To join the webex or audio conference, see ...
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YAP has just launched an innovative workforce development program in three cities designed to change the way system involved youth are prepared for long term labor force attachments and success - YAPW...
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Ryanne Persinger
National Communications Director

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